Search Results

Results for "submediums: Films - Feature,Films - Special Interest,Films - Documentary,Films - Foreign,Films - Animated,Films - Television,Features - Film, main_practice: Reverence, latest_content: 1"
Audubon: John James Audubon and the Birds of America A beautiful documentary on the life of the ornithologist and naturalist and his artistic masterpiece The Birds of America.
Pete's Dragon A very special family film with its spiritual depiction of awe and wonder in the face of an astonishing wild creature.
Into the Inferno A visually spectacular Werner Herzog documentary about volcanoes and the magical responses they evoke in people.
Seed: The Untold Story A boldly creative and ethically robust documentary about protecting the food supply.
Dekalog: Five A sober drama that reveals all life must be respected and that no one deserves to be killed.
The Messenger A Canadian documentary about songbirds as another species at risk.
Humans A well-written British eight-part series about a suburban family and their interactions with an empathic household robot.
Secret of Water A meditative and luminous documentary about water, the source of all life and the bloodstream of the Earth.
Timbuktu A spiritually powerful critique of Islamic fundamentalism and the havoc it causes in Timbuktu in 2012.
Pelican Dreams A documentary cherishing the beauty of an injured pelican and her journey back to the wild.